Sculptures. Animals
Kaisu Koivisto incorporates often something from the animal kingdom into her sculptures and installations: salvaged materials such as leather, fur, horns and antlers. Or, the shape of the works refers to an animal, or hybrid animals. She is interested in the cultural layers regarding animals and the relationship between people and domestic animals.
“We live in the realm of objects and materials. As a visual artist I utilize those objects and the images which we come upon in daily life. They have a connection to buildings, the city structure and aspects of quotidian life such as consumption and food,” Koivisto tells about her sculptures.
The relationship between natural phenomena and technologies is an ongoing subject of exploration for Kaisu Koivisto. She investigates the intersections of nature and culture and the modes in which mankind harnesses and exploits – or attempts to control – natural phenomena and animals. How do we look at animals and nature? What is nature? What is domesticated nature? How is the impact of technologies visible in the environment?