Kaisu Koivisto: New Nuuk
New Nuuk is an on-going visual essay about the rapid urbanization of Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. On my first visit to Nuuk in 2018 I was captivated by the visible changes happening in the city and its surroundings. It was striking to see old buildings and structures give way to new constructions which are vividly visible in the barren and majestic landscapes dominated by the sea and surrounding mountains. It is estimated that in 2030 the population of Nuuk will reach 30 000. Now, in 2023, it is about 19 500.
How is the impact of technologies visible in the environment? What is nature? What kind of traces of the past can be seen in the environment? What kind of stories do current changes tell and to which future directions do they point? The changes are a result of complex shifts in many areas of the society and the economy.
No view is innocent, no gaze is innocent – there are many undercurrents and interests in action when envisioning what kind of transitions the North will encounter in times to come. Greenlandic traditions and traces of the colonialist past of Greenland meet the demands of contemporary urban planning and housing. Economical, political and military interests are an integral part of the way in which the future is shaped. My aim is to continue the project till 2030.
Urbanization is a global phenomenon. The current trends in architecture and building connect the vistas in Nuuk with contemporary building esewhere in the Nordics. This is also a relevant topic in this project. I am an outsider in Nuuk. As a city dweller and having the processes of building – and post industrial neglect and oblivion – as dominant themes in my work, I am aware of my point of view and perception of the topics I address.
The project has been generously supported by Nordisk kulturkontakt (2018), Finnish Cultural Foundation (2019), Olga and Vilho Linnamo Foundation (2022), and Arts Promotion Centre Finland (2023).
Video available at https://vimeo.com/593157539 (7 min, 2022)
For more images: https://kaisukoivisto.pictures.fi/kuvat/New+Nuuk,+Greenland+2018/
New Nuuk is participating in Changes on Northern Shores network events https://changesonnorthernshores.org/